Potion Shop
I was invited to participate in a group project with some animators, illustrators and storyboard artists from SCAD. The goal of the project was/is to create a professional-quality animated short based on the audio from the famous 2011 Youtube video "Potion Seller" by Justin Kuritzkes. My job on the project was/is to design and paint background art. For the first shot of the animation the director wanted to show an exterior shot of a potion shop. I had a simple storyboard sketch to go off of, but the director wanted me to come up with some more ideas, so I started sketching down simple ideas just to see what the director liked.

The Storyboard Panel

Based on these sketches, the director said they liked the pointy roofs I sketched on my wizard towers, but they wanted to see what it looked like on a small shack in the woods, so that's what I sketched next.
After seeing this sketch, the director said they liked the overall design of the shack, but wanted to move the camera and some objects around. The director gave me a quick sketch to help me keep track of what they wanted changed (left image below), and from that I created another sketch (right image below).
After this the director gave me the green light to go ahead and create some clean line-art (left below), and after showing them the clean line-art they asked for some very minor revisions (right below)
Next I began to work on painting the background. The director had created a color comp after seeing my earlier sketches (left below) but they asked me if I could take another shot at it, so I first assigned everything a local color (middle below) and then I used adjustment layers to try and match the first color comp (right below).
Director's color comp
Director's color comp
Local Colors
Local Colors
Local Colors + adjustment layers
Local Colors + adjustment layers
Finally, I added some finishing touches to try and match style of Disney's "The Owl House" and created the finished piece below.

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